El Buda dijo: "Alcancé el Nirvana renunciando a toda dualidad. Renuncié a la creación y a la destrucción, a la vida y a la muerte, a la existencia y a la no-existencia, a lo bueno y a lo malo, a lo correcto y a lo erróneo, y por tanto alcancé lo absoluto.Esto es la liberación, esto es el Nirvana."

The Buddha said, "I have attained nirvana by relinquishing all dualities. I have relinquished creation and destruction, life and death, existence and non-existence, good and evil, right and wrong, thereby attaining the Absolute. 
This is liberation, this is nirvana. 
— Ven.Songchol, who was widely recognized in Korea as having been a living Buddha, due to his extremely ascetic lifestyle, the duration and manner of his meditation training, his central role in reforming Korean Buddhism in the post-World War II era, and the quality of his oral and written teachings. 

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